Met erkenning aan 'n onbekende. Ek plaas dit net soos dit in my "inbox" beland het:
"I refer to Gauteng's MEC for Education, Panyaza Lesufi's reaction to an alleged racist slur. He states: "My purpose is to reverse what your 'granddad Verwoerd' did".
"Mr Lesufi is, no doubt, a learned man, and like our president, a history boffin. However, let me refresh Mr Lesufi's memory with just a few facts.
"The term 'apartheid' was not coined by Verwoerd , but by Dr DF Malan. Firstly, one must remember that Dr Verwoerd was born in 1893.
"In 1809 the 'Native Pass Law' of the British government compelled blacks to carry a pass book. (Verwoerd not born yet).
"In 1865 Sir Theophilis Shepstone prohibited blacks in the province of Natalia to have any voting power. In 1894 (Verwoerd 1 year old).
"Cecil Rhodes prevented Krom Hendriks, a coloured, from joining the national cricket team to England.
"In 1905 Rhodes compelled schools in the Cape Province to separate white British and Black pupils. In 1913 the British 'Native Law Act' prohibited black people from owning land (Verwoerd 20, and still a student).
"In 1925 British Minister, HW Sampson, promulgated the act on Labour Demarcation to divide whites and blacks. (Verwoerd not a politician yet).
"In 1927 the 'immorality Act', in British controlled Natal, prohibited intimacy between whites and blacks. These were all British instituted, and not by Verwoerd, as I'm sure Mr Lesufi will remember.
"Strangely enough, when Verwoerd was murdered, South Africa was at its wealthiest - inflation rate 2%, national growth 7,9%. The second highest growth rate in the world. So 'granddad Verwoerd', although unfairly accused of many discretions, did not do too badly in his leadership role.
" JOHN."
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