“Many whites will be forced to leave the country - FW de Klerk” Dié ontstellende opskrif verskyn bo ’n berig wat 26 Augustus 2016 in News 24 geplaas is. Na bewering het Mnr de Klerk ondermeer gesê dat:
Johannesburg - Many white South Africans will be forced to leave the country under the current government's policies, former president FW de Klerk said.
"We have to face the unpalatable fact that our present government has adopted policies that are consciously directed toward harming the core interests of a section of the South African population according to their race," De Klerk told attendees during the launch of the Centre for Unity in Diversity.
De Klerk criticised the government's BBBEE and affirmative action policies, saying that they were incrementally limiting the economic and cultural space within which minorities can operate.
"The ultimate goal is a society in which land, jobs, power and wealth will be allocated according to racial compositions of the population. The lives of citizens will once again be determined by race not merit."
De Klerk said this was bad news for minorities who comprise of 26% of the population.
"Their share of the wealth, job and land will decline commensurately over the next 30 years. As the BBBEE noose tightens, it may become increasingly difficult for white South Africans to find employment... Inevitably, many will be forced to leave South Africa."
Mnr de Klerk het bygevoeg dat die onlangse verkiesingsuitslae ’n bemoedigende teken is dat mense wegbeweeg van ras gebaseerde politiek en meer stem volgens hul politieke oortuigings.
Die vraag wat ek myself afvra is of Mnr de Klerk nie eerder moes bygevoeg het dat die ANC se beleid regstreeks bots met die ideale wat in die ‘Voorwoord’ van die grondwet vervat is nie en of die stappe wat die regering neem om historiese ongelykhede uit die weg te ruim nie ook in stryd daarmee is nie.
Ja stappe mag geneem word maar dan mag dit nie ten koste van ander gedoen word nie, want dan is ons presies terug in die verlede.
Die ‘Voorwoord’ bevat die volgende ideaal :’Improve the quality of life of all citizens and free the potential of each person (kursivering myne).
Indien blankes dus gedwing word deur ‘n regeringsbeleid om hul potensiaal in ’n ander land te ontwikkel bots dit myns insiens direk met die ideaal vervat in die ‘Voorwoord’ tot die grondwet.
The post Blankes sal Suid-Afrika gedwonge moet verlaat aldus Mnr De Klerk appeared first on LitNet.