Stagecraft Drama Studio brings Winnie the Pooh, everyone’s favourite bear, to Artscape Theatre during the holiday season, daily at 10:30 except Sundays.
Winnie the Pooh lives in Hundred Aker Wood. He wakes up to a cold snowy day. He goes to his friend Piglet’s home, to tell him about the snow but Piglet has gone to find Winnie the Pooh.
Winnie the Pooh, written by AA Milne is directed by Cheryl Abromowitz and features a strong cast. Join Pooh, Eeyore, Piglet and friends as they look for a woozle, celebrate Eeyore’s birthday, find food for Tiger and go on an adventure to discover the North Pole. Lots of fun and audience participation. Presented by arrangement with DALRO.
Performances take place at Artscape Theatre until December 23, daily at 10:30. Tickets at R70 per person are obtainable from Computicket or Artscape Dial-a-Seat 021 421 7695. No children under one year and no prams allowed.
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