In die lig van Mandela-dag op 18 Julie nooi LitNet jou om ’n kort-kortverhaal van 67 woorde te skryf. Jy mag oor enige onderwerp skryf, solank die woordtelling 67 is.
Nelson Mandela het hom vir 67 jaar toegewy aan die bewerkstelliging van sosiale geregtigheid. In die gees van Mandela-dag word Suid-Afrikaners aangemoedig om 67 minute van hul tyd op te offer en iets te doen wat tot voordeel van ander is.
- Slegs een inskrywing per persoon
- Jou inskrywing mag nie meer as 67 woorde bevat nie.
- Deur in te skryf stem jy daartoe in dat jou inskrywing op LitNet gepubliseer mag word, alhoewel LitNet die reg voorbehou om nie alle inskrywings te publiseer nie.
- Jou inskrywing moet jou eie oorspronklike werk wees en mag nog nie voorheen elders verskyn het nie, insluitend op sosiale media.
- Jou inskrywing mag in enige van Suid-Afrika se amptelike tale wees.
- Die sluitingsdatum is 31 Julie.
Hoe om in te skryf:
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- Jou skryfstuk (in die e-pos self of in ’n afsonderlike Word-dokument aangeheg).
Jy kan ’n boekpakkie wen met die volgende boeke wat deur Penguin Random House (Zebra Press), Jonathan Ball, NB-Uitgewers (Tafelberg) en Protea Boekhuis geskenk sal word:
The spiritual Mandela
Dennis Cruywagen
Uitgewer: Zebra Press
ISBN: 9781770227828
Nelson Mandela said nothing about his personal religious beliefs in his writings or in his public pronouncements. But those who were close to him know that he held Christian views, and at his request the final part of his funeral followed the Methodist order of service rather than a traditional Xhosa ceremony.
This book traces the spiritual aspect of Mandela’s life, from his youth in a traditional Thembu village, to his education at Wesleyan and Methodist mission schools, to his time as an activist, his period on Robben Island and the years thereafter. It explores the way that he balanced Christianity with traditional African beliefs and with his political views, and how he reconciled his own beliefs with the fact that religion had been used as a tool to oppress his people.
Based on interviews with some of Mandela’s close colleagues, such as Ahmed Kathrada, as well as priests and other religious figures with whom he interacted, this book unearths an unknown dimension of recent history’s most famous man.
Jan Smuts: Afrikaner sonder grense
Richard Steyn
Uitgewer: Jonathan Ball
ISBN: 9781868427420
Jan Christiaan Smuts was ’n soldaat, staatsman, intellektueel en een van Suid-Afrika se grootste leiers. Tog word daar vandag min oor hom gepraat of geskryf, al beleef ons tans skynbaar ’n leierskapsvakuum.
Jan Smuts: Afrikaner sonder grense dien as herinnering vir die moderne leser aan die merkwaardige prestasies van hierdie indrukwekkende soldaat-staatsman. Die skrywer voer aan dat dit noodsaaklik is om Smuts in die hede te betrek; dat daar nog baie te leer is van Smuts se nalatenskap.
Strydom trek verskeie parallelle tussen Smuts en Thabo Mbeki, beide intellektuele figure wat in die buiteland vereer word, maar plaaslik gereeld met wantroue bejeën word.
Hierdie hoogs leesbare verslag ondersoek onder meer Smuts se rol as politieke leier en as raadgewer van wêreldleiers, sy spirituele en intellektuele lewe en sy verhoudings met vroue. Sy unieke bydraes op ʼn verskeidenheid ander terreine, insluitend die plantkunde, bewaring en filosofie, word ook bespreek.
Jan Smuts: Afrikaner sonder grense skram egter nie weg van die paradoksale in Smuts nie. Hoewel hy een van die argitekte van die Verenigde Volke-organisasie (nou die Verenigde Nasies) en ʼn groot kampvegter vir menseregte was, kon hy nie so ver kom om die plaaslike swart meerderheid politieke regte te gun nie.
When Zuma goes
Ralph Mathekga
Uitgewer: Tafelberg
ISBN: 9780624080671
When Jacob Zuma retires to Nkandla, what will be left behind?
South Africa has been in the grip of the “Zunami” since May 2009: scandal, corruption and allegations of state capture have become synonymous with the Zuma era, leaving the country and its people disheartened.
But Jacob Zuma’s time is running out. Whether he leaves the presidency after the ANC’s national conference in 2017, stays on until 2019, or is forced to retire much sooner, the question is: What impact will his departure have on South Africa and its people and on the ruling party? Can we fix the damage, and if so, how?
Ralph Mathekga answers these questions and more as he puts Zuma’s leadership, and what will come after Zuma, in the spotlight.
Ralph Mathekga is one of South Africa’s leading political analysts. He taught politics at the University of the Western Cape and worked as a senior policy analyst at the National Treasury. He is often quoted by both local and international media houses and comments regularly on television and radio. Ralph is currently completing a PhD in politics.
Iron in the soul: The leaders of the official parliamentary opposition in South Africa, 1910–1993
FA Mouton
Uitgewer: Protea Boekhuis
ISBN: 9781485305507
The lot of the leader of the official opposition is never a happy one. It takes exceptional personal attributes, or “iron in the soul” as Van Zyl Slabbert termed it, to be an effective and efficient official opposition leader.
In terms of the Westminster political system, which formed the basis of the South African parliament between 1910 and 1994, the leader of the biggest opposition party in parliament was an important office-holder of parliament. He or she received a degree of latitude and preference from the Speaker of parliament that was not granted to ordinary parliamentarians.
This group biography investigates the leaders of the official parliamentary opposition before democracy to evaluate how they contributed to the shaping of South Africa’s history. The focus is on those who never became a prime minister or executive president. Prime ministers JBM Hertzog, JC Smuts and DF Malan’s years as opposition leaders have been investigated by historians, while the opposition leaders who failed to win elections are long forgotten, or at most reduced to historical footnotes. The aim of this book is to bring to life the political “losers” – Sir Leander Starr Jameson (1910–1912), Sir Thomas Smartt (1912–1920), JGN Strauss (1950–1956), De Villiers Graaff (1956–1977), Radclyffe Cadman (1977), Colin Eglin (1977–1979 and 1986–1987), Frederik Van Zyl Slabbert (1979–1986) and AP Treurnicht (1987–1993).
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