Delicious low carb
Sally-Ann Creed
Human & Rousseau
ISBN: 9780798172349
Authors on their new books: Sally-Ann Creed talks to Naomi Meyer about Sally-Ann's book Delicious low carb
Sally-Ann Creed is a Functional Integrative Nutritional Therapist, product developer, speaker, author and co-author of the best-selling The Real Meal Revolution.
Low-carb diets have been the order of the day for a while now. Or do you think it is more of a fad?
Not at all. They’ve been around since the 1800s, but, more recently, since around 1972, during which time they have gained in popularity dramatically. Because they’re one of the best ways to regain health and lose weight, I doubt they will ever lose popularity!
People realise that too much carbohydrates and sugar can make them fat, but they also want to eat food that tastes good. Can they actually do so?
Low-carb food certainly does taste fantastic. You don’t need sugar and white flour to make food taste good; there are dozens of other ways to do this. But eating low-carb is, for the most part, cutting out junk food and eating real food. Good food that is not processed is delicious anyway, and can be made even more delicious with natural seasonings like garlic, spices and herbs.
What is your favourite recipe in this book?
I think my special made-up sausage that I concocted one night when I wanted sausage, but didn’t want to buy one! It’s totally delicious.
But doesn’t it cost a lot of money to follow a low-carb diet? Is a low-carb diet necessarily expensive?
Not at all. Eating low-carb is avoiding junk and processed food, which is expensive food laced with chemicals and is often old through having been made ages ago. You can eat very affordable vegetables and animal proteins with their existing fat very inexpensively.
Can everybody follow a low-carb diet or are there certain people that do not do well on a low-carb diet?
Almost everyone can certainly follow a low-carb diet. Remember this is not a NO-carb diet, but a lower-carb diet. Eating less sugar-spiking food is always a good idea! Sugar and all carbs in the form of breads, biscuits, cake, etc have nothing to offer the body, whereas good, healthy food is brimming with nutrition – and if you look at it this way, then it’s for everyone. Having said that, some people do need more healthy carbs (in the form of starchy vegetables, primarily) than others, such as sick people, children, pregnant women and athletes.
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