hier, die land as ek kon sou ek vir jou klank waarin jy ons uitmekaar-stotende want jy is die aanmekaarbinder as ek kon sou ek vir jou woorde waarin jy ons ontvoer-grypende want jy is die digby mekaar binder en tog kan ek nie skedel van my tong midde ongeken jy is my asemgewer hoe sal ek jou kan omhaal ons ken geen ander jy is ons ineenryger van asem |
here, this land if i could i would shovel sound for you wherein you could repair our because you are the together binder if i could i would feed you words wherein our grasping and unfeeding because you are the near to each other binder and yet i cannot skull of my tongue midst unknowing you are my breath giver how will i be able to round you we know no other you are the together stringer of breath |
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