This seminar is an ongoing seminar on education, transformation, language and the constitution, and contributions (in any language) are most welcome.
Fees Must Fall
#feesmustfall kan bydra tot ’n beter Suid-Afrika
2015-10-23 "Suid-Afrika is vandag beter af as ’n maand gelede, danksy die woede en angs van die swart middelklas." |
#feesmustfall: Betogersgids 101
2015-10-23 "Julle kán universiteite onherroeplik, en ten goede, verander as julle slim dink. Ek het nie die antwoorde nie. Gaan vind die antwoorde." |
2015-10-22 "Daar is ongetwyfeld vrae te vra oor die koste van opvoeding, maar ons is ewe bewus daarvan dat iemand langs die pad moet betaal." |
2015-10-22 Calling all expats to the Student Solidarity Protest in London. |
Open Stellenbosch
Foto's en video: Open Stellenbosch se massabyeenkoms en optog
2015-09-01 Die studentebeweging Open Stellenbosch het Dinsdagmiddag 'n massabyeenkoms en optog op Stellenbosch-kampus gehou. |
My thoughts on complexity and the intersectionality of change at Stellenbosch University
2015-09-03 "Am I against learning Afrikaans? No. Am I against white people? No. Am I against forcing others to learn IN Afrikaans? Yes." |
Open Stellenbosch: “Why did God make me black?”
2015-10-16 "The Use of Official Languages Act 12 of 2012 [...] in short requires of government departments and other authorities such as public enterprises to develop a language policy that will include at least three official languages. Out of the 139 language policies that the Act requires from government departments and related institutions only about 30 were presented. Let them therefore not preach to universities about language when in their own backyard very little is done." |
Open Stellenbosch: Beyond the rainbow, towards a change of climate
2015-09-18 "Constitutions are about the 'promised land'; ours is certainly not a magic wand that has wiped out our history and made us all equal. To achieve this 'promised land' we need to be pragmatic, generous and human in our approaches to move from where we are, from what we have inherited, to what we would collectively like to be." |
Multiculturalism does not mean everybody speaks English
2015-09-09 "Imagine if centres and schools were started at the university to actively boost research, tuition and translation services in Xhosa so that students from Khayelitsha and the Transkei were no longer stuck with the choice of studying in either their second or their third language. Imagine if lecturers engaged one another in their respective first languages and broadened one another’s horizons?" |
2015-10-14 "Lo titshala wathetha amazwi kuthi singabafundi abamnyama, wathi 'Buyelani apho nivela khona'." ("A teacher once told a group of black children to 'go back to where they belong'.") Precious Bikitsha shares her thoughts with LitNet. |
Open Stellenbosch and the importance of mother tongue education
2015-09-09 "How do you get someone out of the township? The answer to this question of transformation is simple: educate them in their own language!" |
Video: Heritage and Belonging – a discussion on multilingualism
2015-09-30 Open Stellenbosch held a discussion on multilingualism after a screening of the documentary Afrikaaps. |
Open South Africa for local languages
2015-09-23 "I am all for transformation. Which is why I believe Stellenbosch University should remain Afrikaans." |
2015-09-16 "It is regressive and shameful to transformative constitutionalism if a previously neglected language such as isiXhosa loses its developmental status at SU, along with Afrikaans …" |
2015-10-07 "Die tyd het aangebreek dat bruines moet opstaan vir hul taal Afrikaans. Nie om Stellenbosch wit te hou nie, maar om dit te transformeer tot voordeel van alle Afrikaanssprekendes." |
Open Stellenbosch: Fresh and innovative ideas are sorely needed
2015-09-16 "Finally, there is only one viable and long-term solution, namely the creation of a fully fledged English academy and a fully fledged Afrikaans academy on the same campus, with the ideal of having, one day, also a fully fledged Xhosa or Zulu academy." |
Open Stellenbosch: Academic imperialism at Stellenbosch and in higher education
2015-09-15 "[L]anguage is more than just a means of communication; it influences our culture and even our thought processes." |
Open Stellenbosch: The elephant in the room
2015-09-15 "Come, let us create space for Afrikaans as well as the other indigenous languages – English is a world language, it is the greatest common factor among us and will remain standing without special assistance." |
It is time to listen to the youth
2015-09-08 "The youth are actively participating. Expect them to indicate the pace at which we move forward." |
Open Stellenbosch and the language debate
2015-09-07 "Afrikaans should be seen and accepted by non-Afrikaans students as a language spoken by the majority of people in the Western Cape. There are more Afrikaans-medium schools in the Western Cape than in the rest of the country combined. Surely this is a fact that cannot simply be ignored." |
Open Stellenbosch: “Yeah but you said it” – revisited
2015-09-07 "Once again, I find myself perplexed by your intentions, OS. You need to jump off this taaldebat train, because it’s clear your demands for transformation go so much further than language – and rightly so." |
Afrikaans-in-dialogue, rather than Protection-of-Afrikaans
2015-09-07 " ...the only way forward for Afrikaans is for its proponents to stop privileging it above other indigenous South African languages and actively and practically support the development of all South African languages." |
2015-09-08 "Afrikaans has never been the enemy; the use of the language to exclude people from conversation is the problem. Not the language!" |
Open Stellenbosch – Aluta Continua?
2015-09-04 "Die probleem op Stellenbosch is immers nie Afrikaans nie. Die probleem is hoedat die taal gebruik word om uit te sluit en laer te trek. Geen taal kan bly voortbestaan te midde van ’n ons-julle, insider-outsider polemiek nie." |
Afrikaans – an African language?
2015-09-21 "From a diachronic viewpoint, Afrikaans has its roots in 17th-century Dutch, and has grown in African soil over a period of 360 years into a new language, distinct from other Western and Northern Germanic languages on all levels of linguistic description (morphological, phonological, syntactic and semantic), with the result that it has developed into an African language, a fact which is also reflected in its name." |
Persverklaring: Geen ruimte vir samboktaktiek in taaldebakel
Die ATR erken dat Suid-Afrika swaar dra aan die littekens van die verlede – ook wat hoëronderwys betref. Dit is egter geen rede om instellings en onderwysprogramme te ontwrig en kampusse onveilig te maak nie. |
LitNet-blog: Is eentaligheid die norm?
2015-09-10 "Hoekom is dit dan dat die meeste universiteite in Suid-Afrika dan net Engels as onderrigmedium gebruik? Waar is ons ander tale? Watter waarde heg ons aan ons tale – of hou ons nog vas aan die mite dat eentaligheid die norm is?" |
Uit die argief: Die oorlewing van die nie-dominante tale van Suid-Afrika
2015-09-28 "Die behoud van Afrikaans en van ander Suid-Afrikaanse tale is ’n belangrike faktor in die globale magstryd tussen diegene wat die (Engels-georiënteerde) oorheersing van die 'Noorde' teenoor diesulkes wat eerder ’n meer eweredige verspreiding van mag tussen Noord en Suid wil sien. Hierdie konflik hou verband met die veel dieper vraag van die oorlewing van die mens op aarde." |
Rhodes Must Fall
Decolon i sing Wits - an act of epistemic disobedience
2015-07-10 "It is hard to decolonise because it is quite difficult to understand what 'colonised' means, especially when you're colonised. For this reason I prefer to think of what happened in this country in terms of kidnapping." |
Ná #RhodesMustFall en #FLF2015: 'n gedeelde ervaringswêreld?
2015-06-01 Post-#RhodesMustFall en post-Franschhoekfees: "Dit gaan nie oor die mens wat daar staan nie, maar oor ’n konsep: die gedagte dat die ou magsbalans steeds seëvier. Daardie konsep is iets wat ons almal tog ook moet kan verstaan, en wit Afrikaanssprekendes veral." |
Rhodes moes val: Gedagtes oor dekolonisering en swart historiese agentskap
2015-04-17 " ... ons hou ons nie net doof nie, maar begroet swart verset asof dit ongehoord is: onredelik, irrasioneel, antidemokraties, populisties, ’n affrontering van ons netjiese middelklas waardes, waar daar vir alles ’n prosedure is, en vir elkeen sy toegekende plek." |
Undercover Afrikaners?
2015-04-15 "Ons moet ... twee vrae beantwoord: 'Hoekom is Afrikaanssprekende studente onbetrokke by die transformasieproses?' en 'As hulle wel betrokke is, waarom is hulle undercover?'." |
Rhodes-debat: Gister se leiers, vandag se leiers
2015-04-16 "Madiba het, in plaas van om in die verlede vas te haak, visionêre leierskap getoon om die rykdom wat Rhodes in Suid-Afrika opgebou het, sinvol in vennootskap met die Rhodes Trust aan te wend tot voordeel van swart, bruin en wit nagraadse studente." |
“Oor monnemente gepraat” en ander mymerings oor gevalle helde
2015-04-14 "Uiteindelik verweer alles, kom daar ’n nuwe generasie wat die 'delete'-knoppie van die geskiedenis kom druk, wat die geheue 'reboot'." |
The post Fees Must Fall | Klasgelde Moet Daal appeared first on LitNet.